- Databazaar
- Bengali
- Aparna Sen
- Konkona Sen Sharma
Mrinalini, an ageing actress, writes a suicide note. Her entry on the stage of life, had been outside her control but she wants to decide the moment of her exit at least. As she looks through the old box that contains relics from her past, memories flood the night. incidents that she had forgotten or relinquished to the furthest corners of her mind now return to haunt her and, through these memories, an entire life is revealed - a life of loves lost and gained, friendships and betrayals, successes and failures, accidents and awards, agonies and ecstasies... and, as Mrinalini relives her past. Does the performer really gain control over her exit from the stage of life as she had planned? Or does death in all its randomness claim her when she had least expected it to?